Demisexuality Information

Everything you ever wanted to know about being demisexual.

This is the information that will help you understand not only what demisexuality is but also what demisexuals are talking about when they say certain things.

Can I be Gay and Demisexual at the same time?

Can I be Gay and Demisexual? The Homosexual Demisexual

Can you be gay and demisexual at the same time? The easy answer is YES!!! You can be gay and demisexual at the same time. The explanation, as with most intimate and personal matters is a bit more complicated. Human sexuality is a complicated subject. It’s a field of study full of debate, questions, conditions …

Can I be Gay and Demisexual? The Homosexual Demisexual Read More »

Am I demisexual or bisexual? Can I be both?

Can I be Bisexual and Demisexual at the same time?

Can you be bisexual and demisexual at the same time? A complicated question with an equally complicated answer. Human sexuality is a complicated subject. Over the last few years the vocabulary we use to describe the people we’re attracted to and the situations we experience attraction in have has grown a lot. We are now …

Can I be Bisexual and Demisexual at the same time? Read More »